Saturday, 17 January 2015

how to change your name on facebook after limit

easy ways to change your name on facebook after limit – Learn how you can change

 your Facebook username after the exceeded limit-

Many of us see that our friends change facebook name frequently. There may be many 

causes for doing so. May be they did not want to use their original name or may be they 

want to make their facebook name more attractive then before. In all cases, keep in mind 

we did not always succeed to change it. Some time we exceed the limit how to change your 

name on facebook after limit . So in this article we will learn how to change your Name on

 Facebook after limit how to change your name on facebook after limit .Yes there are many 

ways to doing so. If you are change it first time then you did not need any trick to do so. 

But keep in mind There is a limit. It is because of security and also facebook is a social 

networking site so it doesn’t allow to change the name always.But it also did not means

 that you can’t try.

Here are 3 easy ways to change your facebook Username after exceeded the limit . All of these methods are working accurately according to me. If you are having any issue while doing so, then feel free to contact us :)

how to change your name on facebook after limit
How to change your name after limit
3 Easy ways to change your facebook name after limit

 Keep in mind only use these methods if you already have changed your name for many 

times. If you are doing it first time then you need to play with any trick. you can easily do

 it just by clicking of settings and then click on edit your username button. If there is no 

option to edit it in edit facebook name box then it means you have exceeded your limit 

how to change your name on facebook after limit . Don’t worry try my these trick they 

will definitely work for me how to change your name on facebook after limit .

"Also Read- How To bypass Facebook Photo Tag Verification 2015"

 Method 1 : Change you FB username by sending name changing request :

It is the safest and easiest way to change your facebook name without having any issue 

with your profile. You just need to fill up the facebook name change request form and 

submit your all required document to it by uploading. I prefer you to use your CNIC to 

very your identity because it is easy and fast to approve by them. Form will be look like

Note : as i mentioned in the above picture that please provide your original details like first name and last name. Because facebook moderators verify it according to your ID (CNIC, Driving License, VISA, Bank ID etc) . Get this form here facebook name request form.

 Method 2 : Change your name on facebook by adding page :

Surprise to hear but it is true you can also change your FC username by adding a page. For doing 

so please follow the step given bellow.

1. Create a new Facebook Page or you can also use an existing page which have below 200 likes.
2. Now open the page and click on Edit page and then click on Update Page Info.
3. Now Click on Edit Facebook Web Address. and then click on Change We address and replace it with 

your username
4. Now click on check availability button. after checking a message will appear that 
will ask you something like “your page username is currently set as the username for your timeline.
 Do you want to change it to be the username for this page? you may only change this once”. As 
show in figure bellow how to change your name on facebook after limit .

5. Click on Transfer Username button.

6. That’s all now go to setting >> general account settings >> and change your username.
Save it and refresh the profile page and check its address how to change your name on facebook 
after limit and enjoy this trick

Method 3 : How to change your name on facebook after limit exceed by deactivating your account how to change your name on facebook after limit 

It is totally secure and legal. you have not to deactivate the account in real. So, don’t be worry how 

to change your name on facebook after limit . It is a funky trick. Bellow are some steps you need to 

follow :

1. Login into your Facebook account and click on settings. In the drop down menu of name settings 

set a name from already suggested names list.

2. Now Click on Deactivate your account.

3. Facebook will ask you the reason for it. Select the option ” My account was Hacked“.

4. Now a box will be displayed with a text “You can secure your account here“. Click on it and follow 

the steps.

5. After following all steps you will be able to change your Name. After change it, Don’t forget to

 change your password.

That’s all, you have done it. So, these are 3 easy ways to change your name on facebook after limit. I 

hope you like this. Please share it with your friends and in social networks. If you have any question 

or having any problem regarding these tricks feel free to comment us. We will help you in all 

manners :D
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