Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Hey Everyone!
I’m Maham Fazal _ the third Merit Position Holder in NUST MBBS 2014. I also stood Third in HSSC Federal Board 2014. Plus I got First Merit Position in RMC.

So, with that little intro let’s move on to certain tips that I would like to share with you all regarding the upcoming NET Series particularly for MBBS/BDS that will Insha Allah  help you put up enough score on the board.

1. Organize Yourself:
Be sure to keep all your handy books neatly stacked and within your reach. This will help save time.
2. Schedule It All:
As clichéd as it may sound, but a well thought out study plan works wonders. Sketch out a convenient schedule for yourself. This is a must to do if you want to boost your studying hours capacity. I personally practise this habit.
3. Highlight:
 Once you begin to study, just go through all the text in your books and highlight what you think seems important. Cut down on long paragraphs and derivations etc by highlighting just the critical points. This is going to be especially time saving for you in the NET-2 and 3. 
4. Study Routine:
 Tackle only one subject at a time and stick to till it completes, no matter how long. Don’t go about fiddling with every subject. This will just create a mess in your mind.
5. Practice, Practice and Practice:
When they say “Practice makes a man perfect” there’s no doubt about it. Practise MCQs as much as you can and whenever and wherever you can. This will help you perceive the question real fast. Also you will improve the speed and accuracy of your calculations.
6. The Subjects:

What to study?

Well, the answer’s simple. Those six towering hefty textbooks that sucked out your soul for nearly two years are here to stay. Yes, that’s right. No need of any extra book. No keys. No guidebooks. Nothing.  Just you and your books.  And any side notes from some tuition centre you attended.

How to study?

Follow these steps if you’re confused:

  •  Read a topic very carefully. Split it if it’s long.
  •  Revise that particular topic in your mind.
  • Check your notes for any side information/concept.
  • Repeat the above steps for the next topic.

Note: Since most of you are also going to appear in HSSC Exam next year so it is advisable for you to go through the Part 1 books thoroughly whereas revise the Part 2 books fully like you do in your exams. This is crucial for the April test where the days between the Test and Annuals are very few.

This portion is mostly numerical based. Sometimes the questions can boggle your mind but sometimes they can be a piece of cake. So you need strong concepts along with knowledge of all the formulae to be prepared for any sort of question. A few questions are information based also so make sure you don’t miss that out.
Part 1: Again you’ll find numericals from this book as well as conceptual questions.  Information based questions will be very rare.
Part 2: It is ideal if you can memorize all the equations. But if you don’t want to, then you should at least know what products are formed from certain reactants along with any noticeable colour or property. In case of Organic Chemistry, you should know the mechanisms because you can get questions regarding the product formed at the end of the whole process.
The last three chapters of the book are utterly important (no matter how much we all hate them) particularly Chapter 16.
This portion only tests your memory and cramming ability. The more you print all information in your brain, the more you score. No need of concepts as such. Just remember, the tables are EXTREMELY important. Especially the Part 1 tables in initial chapters. I can bet you there are going to be at least 3-4 questions from them (or more if you’re unlucky). Also, be aware of the important dates of discoveries in your book.
You need a good dash of common sense more than Grammar know-how for this portion. Sense works most of the times. Try to learn the SAT High Frequency Wordlist.

This part is my personal favourite. Really quizzical on the outside but so simple when you get to the depth of it. You must have ample time left for this and you need to be sharp for this. Practise the IQ questions at home from the ISSB preparatory books. They are of the following kinds:
i. Number Sequences (in which you have to tell what number comes next in the sequence. Requires the four basic mathematical operations)
ii. Decoding (in which you decode a total nonsense group of letters into a meaningful word by following an example pattern. Requires the English Alphabets)
iii. Direction Based MCQs (in which you have to tell in which direction the particular subject is. Requires the four basic directions and their mid directions)
iv. Odd one out (the name tells you the meaning. Requires common sense)
So there you have it guys. All the information I had. I hope it proves helpful for you and may you all score great (Ameen). Best of luck! 

Guide To NET Preperation

Sunday, 28 December 2014

The most common electronic equipment used is cell phones. With advancement in communication technology, the requirement of cell phones has increased manifold. A cell phone typically transmits and receives signals in the frequency range of 0.9 to 3GHz. This article provides a simple circuit to detect the presence of an activated cell phone by detecting these signals.
Basic Principle of Mobile Phone Detector Circuit:
The basic principle behind this circuit is the idea of using a Schottky diode to detect the cell phone signal. Mobile phone signal is in the frequency range of 0.9 to 3GHZ.  Schottky diodes have a unique property of being able to rectify low frequency signals, with low noise rate. When an inductor is placed near the RF signal source, it receives the signal through mutual induction. This signal is rectified by the Schottky diode. This low power signal can be amplified and used to power any indicator like an LED in this case.

Circuit Diagram of Cell Phone Detector:

Cell Phone Phone Detector Circuit Diagram
Circuit Diagram of Cell Phone Phone Detector – ElectronicsHub.Org
Circuit Components:
  • V1 = 12V
  • L1 = 10uH
  • R1 = 100Ohms
  • C1 = 100nF
  • R2 = 100K
  • R3 = 3K
  • Q1 = BC547
  • R4 = 200 Ohms
  • R5 = 100 Ohms
  • IC1= LM339
  • R6 = 10 Ohms
  • LED = Blue LED

Cell Phone Detector Circuit Design:

Detector Circuit Design:
The detector circuit consists of an inductor, diode, a capacitor and a resistor.  Here an inductor value of 10uH is chosen. A Schottky diode BAT54 is chosen as the detector diode, which can rectify low frequency AC signal. The filter capacitor chosen in a 100nF ceramic capacitor, used to filter out AC ripples. A load resistor of 100 Ohms is used.
Amplifier Circuit Design:
Here a simple BJT BC547 is used in common emitter mode. Since the output signal is of low value, the emitter resistor is not required in this case. The collector resistor value is determined by the value of battery voltage, collector emitter voltage and collector current. Now the battery voltage is chosen to be 12 V (since maximum open source collector emitter voltage for BC 547 is 45V), operating point collector emitter voltage is 5 V and collector current is 2 mA. This gives a collector resistor of approx 3 K. Thus a 3 K resistor is used as Rc. The input resistor is used to provide bias to the transistor and should be of larger value, so as to prevent the flow of maximum current. Here we chose a resistor value of 100 K.
Comparator circuit Design:
Here LM339 is used as comparator. The reference voltage is set at the inverting terminal using a potential divider arrangement. Since output voltage from the amplifier is quite low, the reference voltage is set low of the order of 4V. This is achieved by selecting a resistor of 200 Ohms and a potentiometer of 330 Ohms.  An output resistor of value 10 Ohms is used as a current limiting resistor.

Mobile Phone Tracking Circuit Operation:

In normal condition, when there is no RF signal, the voltage across the diode will be negligible. Even though this voltage is amplified by the transistor amplifier, yet the output voltage is less than the reference voltage, which is applied to the inverting terminal of the comparator. Since the voltage at non inverting terminal of the OPAMP is less than the voltage at the inverting terminal, the output of the OPAMP is low logic signal.
Now when a mobile phone is present near the signal, a voltage is induced in the choke and the signal is demodulated by the diode. This input voltage is amplified by the common emitter transistor. The output voltage is such that it is more than the reference output voltage. The output of the OPAMP is thus a logic high signal and the LED starts glowing, to indicate the presence of a mobile phone. The circuit has to be placed centimeters away from the object to be detected.

Theory Behind Cell Phone Tracking System:

Mobile Phone Signal Detection using Schottky Diode:
The signal from mobile phone is a RF signal. When a mobile phone is present near the circuit, the RF signal from the mobile induces a voltage in the inductor via mutual induction. This AC signal of high frequency of the order of GHz is rectified by the Schottky diode. The output signal is filtered by the capacitor. Schottky diodes are special diodes formed by combining N type semiconductor material with a metal and are typically low noise diodes, operating at a high frequency. These diodes have a unique property of conducting at a very low forward voltage between 0.15 to 0.45V. This enables the diode to provide high switching speed and better system efficiency.  The low noise is due to the very low reverse recovery time of about 100 per sec.
Signal Amplifier using BJT:
BJT or bipolar junction transistor in its common emitter form is the most common amplifier used. A transistor amplifier works on the fact that the input base current is amplified to the output collector current by a factor of β. Here the emitter is the common terminal. The circuit is biased using a voltage divider circuit formed by combination of two resistors. When a transistor is biased in active region, i.e. the emitter base junction is forward biased and the collector base junction is reverse biased, a small base current results in a larger collector current.
LM339 as Comparator:
LM339 is a comparator IC containing 4 comparators. Here we are using only one comparator. When the voltage at non inverting (+) terminal is higher than the voltage at inverting terminal, the output voltage goes high. When the voltage at inverting terminal is higher, the output voltage goes low.

Cell Phone Detector Circuit Applications:

  1. This circuit can be used at examination halls, meetings to detect presence of mobile phones and prevent the use of cell phones.
  2. It can be used for detecting mobile phones used for spying and unauthorized transmission of audio and video.
  3. It can be used to detect stolen mobile phones.

Limitations of Mobile Phone Detector Circuit:

  1. It is a low range detector, of the order of centimetres.
  2. The Schottky diode with higher barrier height is less sensitive to small signals.

Cell Phone Detector Circuit

She Believed She Can, So She Did!

Are you scared of bombing the ENTRY TEST? Do you get nervous just at the thought of MCAT? Is this the only specter that haunts your way? Let’s be honest, right off the bat and admit that studying for the MCAT is not fun, especially when the stakes are so high. Obviously, if you want to get in, you’ll have to put in the time and effort to excel on the MCAT! But still UHS offers no assurance!

Okay let me share My Journey to Medicine, My Road to MCAT! A short story… From Failure to Success! From Rejection to Selection! From a Pre-Medical Student to a Medical student! A walk worth remembering! I experienced rejection; I experienced failure; but I didn’t let it go. And today when I look back, a year (being a Repeater) looks so lame in comparison with what I’ve been blessed with. Yes! Alhamdulillah I’m a Medical student, a RAWALIAN.

“Road to Medical life…  A walk to remember”
 “Doctors are not made, they are chosen”

Okay!! I, like many of you, since I was 4 or 5, started dreaming of becoming a DOCTOR.   May be it was due to the environment of our home which was so educational or my Ideal Doctors, “Aappi” and “Bhae”; the graduates of KEMU and RMC. Whenever I encountered the question, “Beta baray ho k kya ban’na hy appny?” there was always an impulsive reply, “Doctor”… It was a kind of reflex action to me. So that idea got deeply rooted in my mind since I was very young… When I didn’t even know the meaning of the word “Doctor” and it sowed the seeds in my mind.  Then as I grew some older, these seeds started ripening and burgeoning rapidly, with its roots adamantly adhering to my every single thought, dreams, ideas and plans regarding my future.. !!

Being a PRE-MEDICAL Student!!
Life went really smoothly and school era came to an end… Everyone used to say that, “College life is fun time of one’s life” but being a PRE-MEDICAL student, you ought to have another thought coming. Life showed me that it’s not a bed of roses at all… The result of 1st year board left me in a dark valley of despair. In- spite of whole year’s night awakenings, securing highest grades in each college assessment and my best performance in each Exam; I made it up to 447 only! Yes, 447… the score that is enough to make you stand no-where!

It was for the very first time I experienced, “Expectations hurt more than anything” This time I started getting tensed.  I never have been that much depressed as in this span of time. This was the time I started doubting my future. I started making many different dreadful scenarios and assumptions regarding my future.  And it was probably my First Mistake. Well, when you start doubting your own future then you are inviting many evils of fears, despair, and hopelessness to build a castle in your nerves, mind and soul. And they mess up all the things together; your diligence, zeal, passion everything and keep you entangled in your own web of doubts.

Then even after 2nd year exams, I wasn’t finding myself in any race among the other Pre-Medical students, who scored brilliantly in their 1st year (my 2nd mistake), but still getting best prepared for the Entry Test for it can change all the game. Okay, 3 months passed; June, July, August and at the very end of August came out our result. I scored 936 and I thought it to be a respectable total … I don’t memorize any single day during these months, in which I slept without calculating the required aggregate. One thing I had learnt from the past, “Dream a little low so it won’t screw you up afterwards”… So this time, I just thought that I should score 950+ to be in a safe zone!!

 MCAT 2013
The thing about MCAT is that you study until you get Mental Hemorrhoids. There are about 220 MCQ’s in the test but literally hundreds and hundreds of concepts you have read in your Pre-medical classes. Nothing quite strikes fear in the heart of Pre-medical student as the prospect of taking the MCAT. This fear is not completely unwarranted... The MCAT is the monster of a test … And in most cases it is the last hurdle along the long path to the medical college… For this reason, there is a common fear that all the hard work put during last two years can be all or none if you crash and burn on the test day!!  A lifetime of work can come down to how well you perform on one day! This is an irrational fear. There is no reason to assume that if you have worked and studied hard and performed well in FSC that all; that‘ll leave you on test day. If u did reasonably well in FSC and prepared for the Test you should do well but what “If?” ‘What if ‘If’s’ will drive you crazy?? Well there is no remedy available!

Ok, then came the DOOMS DAY… Yes, the Entry Test Day 22nd of September, 2013… I was in the best of my spirits. Started with Biology! When I reached half of the MCQ’s, I felt like I’m attempting all of the questions and not leaving a single which is probably not a good thing. Negative Marking is there so I need to be a little more cautious... So, I started skipping the questions in which I was doubtful even a percent or less… And that pattern proceeded in Physics and Chemistry as well… So, it resulted in skipping of 20 questions altogether… I was left with a total of 1000 marks only...

I was extremely tensed during test hours that I marked the easiest of the questions incorrectly! Yes, I marked ‘C’ instead of ‘B’ and ‘B’ instead of ‘C’ on my response form in almost 10 of the questions (the biggest blunder one can ever make!)  And when I came to know about this all, it was quite late! So, the questions that I deemed to be correct were incorrect in actual!

I also felt badly the need for word to word RATTA (I would have made) for Biology as even the simple things were mixing that time. There were hardly 3-4 questions incorrect in Physics and Chemistry’s Section. I performed well in English as well but Biology; most of the questions I skipped from this section and most of the incorrect ones also in the same section! Result came as No Shocking News! 879/1100 with an aggregate % of 83.3052%... And I was left with no other option than to repeat and waste a year because it was not possible for me to let go of my Dream I dwelled in, for the lifetime! So, it was a requisite of time to give Myself another chance!!
Year 2014!!! (Being a Repeater)
Medical + Stethoscope + White Overall = A Shattered Dream!
Well, I will never ever forgive you 2013! For many of my tears :’( … This was the time when I found myself in the middle of no-where… Friends getting prepared for the New Era of Life; Medical life! Thrill, fun, excitement … And *Le me with FSC books again in hand revising for the 47th time! Well, it’s really heartrending when you find yourself lagging behind the people that were there with you yesterday. They all took a leap and you still creeping like a snail :@. When you are a REPEATER, you are not sure about your new energy, but you know that you are in a risky situation. There is a chance that you may even succeed in a venture where others before you failed. Situations have an unfortunate tendency to be difficult for you. I told myself daily that your OPTIMISM ought not to be changed no matter what!! Just make sure that the battle you fight today is yours. There may be a great deal of tension in the air that might behoove you to stay detached from the war that’s apt to ensue. One explanation could be rattled ‘Confidence’. Why you doubt yourself right now?? You need to give yourself a long look in the MIRROR! Remind yourself that you can’t stop moving forward just because you haven’t made it last time!!

Well, I haven’t found books hateful, as during this span of time. Yes, I hated them… I used to look at them as if someone’s old love for which one has surrendered everything and that love has ruined it completely!!  During the start of this year, for many a days, I didn’t find courage to face these books again… I never have hated STUDYING but I was just sick of these FSC BOOKS! What I wanted is some new start! Some new books! Some new ME! But everything was OLD; monatomic, but NO I was change!!… I had more the riches of tensions, worries, depressions, and fears ahead!

But wait!! I had two options from there onward… 1st was, I let that DEFEAT define ME; or the 2nd one, I let it STRENGHTHEN me… and I chose the 2nd one … Well, I won’t say that I was a kind of OPTIMISTIC being. There were many sleepless nights during this whole year… The persistent condition of my eyes these day; swelled up, burning red and pearls sparkling all the time (yes, the tears).  I was of the view these days that I‘m the most UNLUCKY being ever born on this planet. Honestly to tell you, I lost the hope of a percent or even less that I, Yes I can get in to a Medical college and Government!!  Uff, no wake up DEAR!!

But someone said to me, “Okay! If we suppose that you are UNLUCKY, as you say; so why you are still relying on your luck… Stop leaning on the luck for even a percent. Just raise your HARD WORK to 100%  ... No space for the LUCK to matter. Some people write down their FUTURE with their own hands… So, let yourself be added among that queue of people, The DETERMINED ones though unlucky!!

Okay, now the 1st question was! Should I need to improve my FSC score! This thing as we all know that improvement of 10-15 marks can’t make a huge difference to your Aggregate. What matters most is how well you perform in your ENTRY TEST… Okay one thing to tell you, I was a Pre-MEDICAL student and I used to dislike BIOLOGY more than any other subject (even Pak. Studies). So, what I needed to do is to improve my Biology. (And today Bio is LOVE)  So, I decided to appear in BIO-2 again!!

Some days, I got up and realized that I’m in the middle of NOWHERE… I have nothing to do but STUDYING and go to bed with the same thing planned for next many of the months. The only thing surrounding me these days was the prevalent Darkness!! I just looked for the light at the end of the tunnel, it’s there. And what I need to do is to surpass this tunnel successfully. I deactivated Whatsapp, Viber, Facebook everything…

I started with BIOLOGY first. I didn’t follow the UHS syllabus as I wasn’t in a position to take the risk for even a single MCQ in this section (Although I skipped some of the Topics from 1st year Bio that included the Botany stuff (plants related portion)i.e. I skipped most of the PLANTAE and also Ch-14’s  starting part and the Kingdom Protoctista. From Bio-2 one can skip Ch-19 and 26 as well!) ... I used to read each line word to word again and again till these words got engraved to the bottom of my mind (with special emphasis on the blue blocks and diagram’s descriptions). For Biology, one needs to lick up the whole book word to word and bits by bits! I revised the Biology for 3 months and by the end of these months, Bio was on finger tips... I wasn’t oblivious of other subjects as well.

I started ENGLISH side by side. I estimated. Okay! If I revise 10 words of English vocab daily then I will revise the whole vocabulary in almost 872/ 10 = 87.2 days, Ok let it be 90 days, means time span of 3 months. So, at the very end of these 3 months I chewed up whole vocab thoroughly and also done with Bio completely… (For Vocabulary I consulted KIPS English book edition 2013, I think it’s best for vocabulary. No need to search for the meanings yourself; there are many good books for this purpose, consult them!)

Then I began with PHYSICS. I followed the UHS prescribed syllabus for Physics (that included all the topics both before and after the UHS Topics. And all the stuff I found in relation with UHS topics including books of 9th and 10th as well)… What you need to do for ‘Physics’ is, make a register and compile each and every thing you found in correspondence with a topic (Unit Vise) with special emphasis on Formulas, Units, Graphs and Definitions (you may take help from the books of 9th and 10th as well for the topics like Centre of Gravity, Ultra-Sonics and its uses, Audible frequency range, Defects of Vision i.e. Long/Short sightedness etc). For once this register has been made; you can revise whole Physics in just a couple of days (no restriction, you can take even more). No need to overwork yourself with Exercise’s lengthy Numerical,  just keep revising the Chapter’s Examples and revise them too often that just by seeing the statement you remind both the Formula and the Answer (but not to rely on that answer as values may be changed this time). Okay, it almost took two weeks in compiling all the physics stuff in a register and revising it.

Last but not the least!! Yes, CHEMISTRY .Well you can’t think of skipping even a single topic from 1st year Chemistry because UHS is really shrewd in the sense that they picked up the TOPICS for which you need to go through the whole chapter thoroughly (May be u won’t find all the topics related as everyone has a different perspective and I’m just telling mine! But I think it’s good to be safe). Many of the topics from UHS syllabus may seem to be not in our FSC books but actually they are except a few! So it’s better to Google them instead of panicking yourself. Then CHEM -2, I did only the UHS topics for INORGANIC Chemistry (feel free to prepare only the specified topics and act as if no other topic other than them, is there in your book) But for ORGANIC Chemistry, you need to go through all the related topics as well (And that depends on you what you find in relation with a topic e.g. for Electrophiles and Nucleophiles one needs to go through all the reactions of the book related to Electrophiles/ Nucleophiles substitution and elimination whether they are individually included or not.      
P.S that’s only what I think!). So I was done with all the subjects thoroughly in almost 5 months…

I also made it my routine to revise English vocab side by side with every subject as there was a chance of mixing up the MASSIVE VOCABULARY. I used to revise 50 words daily, after I had revised the vocab for the 1st time (10 words per day). Then when the whole vocab was revised for the 2nd time, I used to revise 100 words per day. (And these words to be revised 3-4 times per day as well, it was like a routine diet for me that’s intake is somewhat compulsory!)  So when I was done with whole vocab for 3 times thoroughly then I used to revise whole vocab daily and marked the words that still needed to be revised. And then revised these mixing words for many a times And YES!! I was sure about these 872 words!!

For English Grammar, I have gone through all the Parts of Speech thoroughly and the whole grammar stuff (that I think every good grammar contain) from all the Grammar books I had a collection of! (Long list=D) (I think a single comprehensive reading (or twice) is just enough, if you are already good in English; which I suppose I was not)  But the major contribution in this regard was of WREN & MARTIN. There is nothing like you need to memorize anything, just make sure you are good in Tenses, the usage of prepositions, relative pronoun; correct form of verb; sentence completion and most importantly you are good in locating the faulty part of a sentence (Mostly, when I read a sentence, my eyes sees only the faulty portion of it just on one glance, even though I didn’t make out the flaw sometimes but I was able to locate it and that’s what needed for the Test)

Let me tell you one other thing that might prove helpful for you… Each time, when I was going to revise any chapter, I used to mention the respective DATE on the very 1st page of that chapter, so it was a way of knowing; how many times the chapter have got revised! … And I gained so much confidence while during last revision of the books; I wasn’t finding any little space to mention the corresponding date!!

One other thing, try to memorize the things that mix up with the help of MNEMONICS. It’ll be really helpful. I used to make my own key words, little mnemonics (though silly =D) and by this I was able to memorize the gigantic tables as well. I used to search for Mnemonics on Wikipedia as well especially for Chemistry (like Electrochemical Series, Electronegativity values, and M.P/B.P trends etc)… For electrochemical series our Sir at KIPS told us a funny mnemonic and because of it whole series is just on my finger tips even today. “Lt. (Lithium) Pervaiz (Potassium) could (Calcium) still (Sodium) marry (Magnesium) a (Aluminum) zoya (Zinc) in (Iron) the (Tin) lovely (Lead) house (Hydrogen) causing (Copper) strangers (Silver) many (Mercury) gazes (Gold) =D”

Okay!! By the end of these 5 months, the HSSC-2 board exams were also about to finish… So, next question arise! ‘Should I need to prepare at home’ OR ‘join any academy??’  Last year, I joined ‘KIPS Academy’. The way KIPS taught us to tackle the dreadful monster, Yes! TIME MANAGEMENT during test hours is commendable. And most importantly, the way they revise the UHS Syllabus as if there was nothing really difficult in it!! Were there anything? So, the major reason to join any Academy this year was that I needed to evaluate myself. So, I joined ‘THE SCHOLARS ACADEMY’. It’s the Scholars Academy that is responsible for again building CONFIDENCE in me. They made me believe again that Yes You Can Do It! You deserve it! You’ll get it! They made me Dream again, think again, fly again, be passionate again! Our Sir once said to me, ‘’beta you are born to be a DOCTOR and we can see it while you doubt! Ups and Downs are the part of one’s life but it’s no reason to stop moving ahead’’
New Soul, New Spirits and New Determination!  

When you are a Repeater, you are the most pessimists these days. What you need the most, is someone that stand by your side, just assuring you each day that ‘You Have To Do it because you CAN do it!!  The one that believes in you so much that you start to believe in yourself too!
New confidence, New Chapters of Hopes and Prayers!

When there remained time span of 2 months for the Entry Test day, I revised the Books by the following pattern…  Okay I have 6 books to revise and 2 months!
A schedule to revise 6 books for 5 times, in 63 days with ease! (Two months aprox)

  • 1st revision:- One-fourth book daily (1/4) = 24 days
  • 2nd revision:- One-third book daily (1/3) = 18 days
  • 3rd revision:- Half book daily = 12 days
  • 4th revision:- One book daily = 6 days
  • 5th revision:- One subject daily = 3 days

Okay then came the ENTRY TEST DAY, 31st August 2014. I have never found myself so much calm and relaxed as during this test. It was probably the 1st exam of my life (except during childhood) in which I finally left my books at 9pm (for many a times it may take till 4am to summon the courage). This was the 1st time, I finally realized that it’s not the revision of the same books over and over again that can give you satisfaction; as the Prayers, the Dua’s, and the time spent with ALLAH  Honestly to tell you, I have always prayed in haste so that I may find a little time more to revise the books once again but still unease, still anxiety, still nervousness, still un-satisfaction apart of the revision of books for many a times.

I had a strong Belief on Allah and Myself! that YES, this is the Test that is in between ME and MEDICAL Insha’Allah  As I started with the test, it seemed me like there is some Devine help with me that helped me in not getting tensed or to panic myself. First I attempted the ENGLISH synonyms, I knew them all and I felt really boastful because these were the solid 50 marks I was sure about from the 872 vocabulary words I kept revising days and nights. Then began with BIOLOGY, this was the portion in which I couldn’t afford a single mistake as I have revised the Biology more than any other subject! (Still I lost some of the marks here) I was done with BIO till 9:40am. Then began with CHEMISTRY, completed it till 10:20am. I was done with the two major portions of the test and left with 44 questions of PHYSICS and 20 remaining from ENGLISH and 70 minutes. I completed PHYSICS till 11:00am and ENGLISH in next 10 minutes and I was left with 20 minutes even then! So, I just looked at my response form as if how many left un-attempted, there were 3 of them. As I was strongly advised by my Teachers and siblings, not to skip even a single MCQ this time, so I just made educated guesses (if u can’t make a choice then just make an educated guess). Then I spent the remaining time praying to ALLAH!

‘‘Allah Almighty, the most merciful! I don’t know what’s best for me but YOU know the best! I just find it difficult at my side to even imagine myself not as a DOCTOR. I find it really hard to smash the Castle I dwelled in with my own hands. But Insha’Allah I’ll be contended with Your Decision for Me because it’ll be the best IA ’’ And yes, I was finally satisfied with my performance!                                                

Okay, one thing I didn’t tell about yet!! Yes, My TARGET this year. Actually, I happened to go through a document quite often this year, ‘ROAD TO MCAT 2012’. It was a Ray of Hope for me! So I used to assume myself in every single line, each word, and every single thought of it. So I also used to estimate…  My EXPECTATION last year; emm 950... REALITY; 879… Means difference of 71 marks… So if this year let my Target be 1100 and if difference would remain the same i.e. 71 then I need to score 1100-71= 1029. What? ‘1-0-2-9’ Oh My…. So consciously or unconsciously I started praying for a score of 1029 in Entry Test. Neither a single less; nor more… just 1029! So my target was to score 1100 and Expectation; 1029! (71 less…=D)

Well! Result came within a week and I scored 986 ALHAMDULILAH with an aggregate percentage of 88.5325%. So the difference between my expected score and the Reality was 43 in fact .

What you need to do!!
There is no need to feel regret or shame about the things that have happened in the past. Turn negative experiences into lessons!! You have plenty of free energy. Now is a good time to make plans and to get involved in your commitments. Your vitality doesn’t have any boundaries. You’ll be amazed at how much you can handle when there’s an end in sight. Your whole attitude lightens, so take the bull by the horns and create your own incentives. If you never go after what you want, you’ll never have it!!

Just remind yourself that He is watching! Your efforts, your deeds, your patience!! Remind yourself of how good it would feel to have it all one day. Don’t let go. Don’t give up!!

 “Some childhood dreams are so intense that they penetrate deep down; in your nerves, mind and soul! And build a Castle with solid concrete there… Dreams are the wishes that heart makes! No matter how hard you try, you can’t get rid of them! So you decide either to gain courage to demolish it with your own hands or proving yourself capable of dwelling in that castle” (My daily diary)  

I began to realize, how important it was to be Enthusiast in life. If you are interested in something, no matter what it is, go at it with full speed ahead! Embrace it with both arms, love it and above all; become PASSIONATE about it!
Turn to the sun, and the shadow will fall behind you!!

Your engine is oiled up and ready to go. Put yourself in high gear and don’t let anything stand in your way. Never again are you going to walk out of an exam saying, ‘’I studied forever and really felt that I knew the material but this bad grade is not a reflection of my Efforts and my Knowledge”

Today you may satisfy yourself with options like D-pharmacy, DPT, DVM or BS in any related field but one thing to tell you, there can be literally no SUBSTITUTE for MBBS/ BDS and if you have got another chance as a Repeater, Don’t Waste It! Very few people are lucky to have a second chance. So, consider yourself LUCKY and if you are really passionate, the STETHOSCOPE will be yours as a DOCTOR in near future Insha’Allah. Allow your PASSION to become your PURPOSE and it’ll one day become your PROFESSION!! IA 

Few lines from my Diary, 2013!
“Dear STETHOSCOPE! Don’t know whether you are made for me or not… But I’ll make you MINE one day with the will of ALLAH IA, for you have been in every single line and every thought of my Existence and I won’t give up on you whether the sky gets rough!”
‘This road is thorny still I smell roses’
One Poem I have composed last year and I would like to share it with you fellows!!
May be it can become a source for Someone, Somewhere; to keep going, keep struggling, and reaching to his/her PASSION and DESTINY one day!! May be yours, Yes you reading! 

When Darkness seems the only Way,
Find your way in that way,
With flame of Diligence lightning your way!!
When Despondency seems the only refuge,
Don’t let yourself engulf in that deluge!!
Reside instead in the Castle of your Dreams,
Be a bird of HOPE, instead of DESPAIR!!
Life is GOOD if it’s still UNFAIR,
Believe you can, and you are halfway there!!


Road To MCAT

56 tuning forks are so arranged in series, that each fork gives 4 beats/second with the previous one. If the frequency of the last fork is 3 times that of the first, then the frequency of the first fork will be
a) 55 Hz
b) 110 Hz
c) 75 Hz
d) 220 Hz

In such sort of problems you need to form the equations from the given data which can be bit troublesome for students of pre medical. If you follow the steps, question wont be hard.

Total number of forks= n = 56
Let the frequency of first fork be x and the last fork be y.
According to given data frequency of last for is 3 times the first one, so we can write:

y = 3x 

Each fork gives 4 beats with the previous one, which means there is a difference of 4 Hz in frequencies of two successive forks. So, if frequency of first fork is x, frequency of 2nd fork will be x + 4, for 3rd it will be x + 4 + 4 = x + 8, for 4th it will be x + 8 + 4 = x + 12 and so on.

So we get the following series:
x , x+4 , x+8, x+12, x+16, ...., y

It can also be written as:
x + 0(4) , x + 1(4), x + 2(4),  x + 3(4), .... , y

x + 0(4)= x + (1-1) (4) =  frequency of 1st fork
x + 1(4) =x + (2-1)(4)  = frequency of 2nd fork

So this way frequency of 56th fork will be:

y = x + (56-1)(4) = x + 55(4) = x +  220

So we got two equations:
y = 3x  --- (i)
y = x + 220 --- (ii)

Use value of y from (i) in (ii). We'll get:
3x = x + 220
2x = 220
x = 110 Hz = Frequency of first fork.

I Hope its clear now..


Admission are open in RMC Allied Health Science Institute, Rawalpindi in the following courses:
  1. Doctor of Physical Therapy.
  2. Medical Imaging Technology.
  3. Medical Laboratory Technology.
  4. Optometry & Orthoptics.
  5. Orthotics & Prosthetics.
The Duration of the DPT course is 5 years while for the rest of the courses it is 4 years.

What is the Eligibility criteria?

Make sure the you meet the following conditions before applying for RMC:

  • FSc Marks: You must have atleast 60% marks in Fsc/A level.
  • Age Limit: Your age must be between 17 and 30 years.
When are the admission starting?

The admission forms will be available in the admission office from December 18, 2014.

What is the last date to submit the form?

The last date of submission of forms is December 31, 2014. Merit list of selected candidates for interview will be uploaded on website on January 15, 2015. Interviews will be held on January 20, 2015 at 9.30 am in the office of Coordinator BSc Allied Health Sciences.

What is the distribution of seats and Selection criteria?

There are total 100 seats, 20 seats for each discipline. Admissions are given on basis of Fsc marks only. There is no quota for any area/province. Seats are allotted on Open merit.

When will the classes start?

The classes will start in March, 2015.

Is there any hostel facility? 

No hostel facility will be provided to the students.

When the merit list will be displayed?

The merit list of RMC for DPT and BSc programs will be displayed on 15th of January. Those who will be selected will have to appear in the interview on January 20th.

What were the closing merits of Last years?

Merit is totally based on marks of Fsc, so the list below lists the marks of Fsc .Following are the closing merits of DPT and BSc courses at RMC for year 2012.

  1. Doctor of Physical Therapy . 945 marks
  2. Medical Imaging Technology. 893 marks
  3. Medical Laboratory Technology. 907 marks
  4. Optometry & Orthoptics. 908 marks
  5. Orthotics & Prosthetics. 895 marks

Admission in Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) in RMC 2014

Latest Update About UHS 

PMDC issued a notice which stated that equal seats will be available for both boys and girls in all Medical colleges. Now this created a confusion if this decision will be implemented this year or the next. Different news channels give different news about this matter. A fellow went UHS last day and asked them about this topic, here is what she got:

"I went to UHS and talked to Atif the director of media and publications of UHS. He said 50% quota system is not applicable this year. And was astonished why people are thinking so when it's clearly mentioned in the prospectus".
On the other hand different newspapers are publishing this news that Quota system has been implemented, merit will be based on the new system this year.

50 percents seats for boys and girls in Medical

First session of 2015 admission year in Nust started on 20th December 2014, when first test of the session was conducted. Since these are computerized tests so the candidates get to know their results the very next day except the students of architecture who will get their result after 2 weeks. 
Result can be checked from the following link: Result NET-1 2015

All the students are eager to know the highest marks scored so that may check where they stand. The tests for NET-1 session will end on 4th of January. Result of tests of 2 days is available and about 3000 students appeared in tests on these 2 days. 

Among these 3000 students the highest marks scored are 175 in test of Engineering by Syed Danyal Ahmed. These marks are more than enough for admission in any field of engineering. Result card of danyal is shown in the picture below. Click on the image to enlarge it:

The roll number is mentioned in the result card above. You can check and verify the result on your own, if you have any doubt. If anyone crossed this digit of 175 we will update that in our post. 

In Medical the highest marks till this point are 176, scored by Hamza Ali. See the picture below for the detailed marks sheet, click on the image to enlarge it:

Business Studies:
In business Studies the highest marks till this point are 151, scored by Muhammad Shahkar khan. Picture of the result card is attached with:

P.S. Highest marks in NET 2014 were 183 and in NET 2013 were 177. 

Result of NUST Entrance Test

Thursday, 25 December 2014

  1. Spain
    Spanish people have had a traditional practice of celebrating New Year’s occasion. On the last day of the year, the 31st of December, they wait until 12 a.m. everybody must have to keep 12 grapes with themselves and get ready to eat when the clock starts to ring.
  2. Taiwan
    Afore celebrating the Chinese New Year, the boss in the company always delights his/her subordinates to a big meal and a lottery game. According to tradition the boss order to cook one whole, well cooked chicken in the middle of the table. When the boss get finish his/her speech, he/she start rotating the table as a signal to begin the meal. After that one has to make sure the chicken’s head is not facing them. If it is it means the boss dislikes you, and you will be fired after the Chinese New Year. 
  3. Colombia
    To burn the old year, and past memories they have a tradition to fabricate a big stuffed male doll that represents the old year, and the things which they don’t like or such things which they don’t want to see any more in their life. Especially they put those objects in making this male doll which create sadness or bad memories. Then on New Year’s Eve at midnight, they fix the doll on fire. This symbolizes burning the past and getting ready to start New Year without bad memories of the past. 
  4. Venezuela
    There many people think that this day brings good luck for them, so they pen down letters in which they ask for many wishes. Then when the New Year arrives, they put all those letters together and burn them to make sure that nobody can read what they wrote
  5. Korea
    In Korea the New Year doesn't really start from January 1st. they follow lunar calendar and it shows the days a little differently, just as February can be different, depending on the year. However, every New Year’s Eve people can watch a striking-a-bell ceremony on TV. This bell is struck 33 times. This is the memory of 33 fighters who died for the restoration of Korea
  6. Brazil
    In Brazil most New Year’s Eve is related to good luck or fortune. So after midnight they go to the beach and jump seven waves and throw flowers in the sea while making a wish. This will bring them good luck and fortune. They say that the goddess who protects the sea will make their wishes come true. Because of that some people of the country also light candles in the sand of the beach.
  7. Mexico
    In Mexico people take out their suitcases and walk around the block, meaning they wish they could travel next year.

  8. Thailand
    People of Thailand are having specific New Year’s date; it’s different from the normal calendar. The Thai New Year is celebrated on April 13. On this day they arrange a big festival in which they do water fights as a gesture to celebrate New Year to the fullest. 
  9. Georgia
    It’s a tradition to eat black-eyed peas and turnip greens. The peas represent copper and the greens are dollars. The people of Georgia believe that each pea you eat equals one dollar’s worth of earning, and each portion of turnip greens equals $ 1,000
  10. Sri Lanka
    They celebrate their new year on 13th and 14th April of the year. In which their women sits and play drums to announce the arrival of the New Year. And after that every person is supposed to perform rituals with a pure mind. People visit temples, donate food and clothes to the poor and pray for a prosperous year ahead. Customarily people go
    to take holy bath before the sun sets on the last day, with the herbal mixture called “Nanu” replacing the soap. They believe that this purifies their bodies as well as the soul and they are able to welcome the New Year with a positive mind. 

New Year Customs of 10 Countries

When you enter a search term in the Google search box these are processed on basis of a complex algorithm. Ever wondered why the results on first page are shown on that page only and why not on the next pages?
There are about 200  factors on basis of which Google rank the results. 10 such factors are shown below. If anyone of you runs a blog or website he must consider these points.
These are 10 out of 200+ questions which are answered before presenting you the results.

  1. How many times does the search query appears on the page?
  2. Is the requested word in the Title of the page?
  3. Is the requested word appearing in the URL of the page?
  4. Is the order of the words same as you entered or is it inverse?
  5. Do the page contains some synonyms of the required words?
  6. Is the page from a quality site or its from a low ranked site?
  7. What is the page rank of the page?
  8. Does the page contains some sort of spam?
  9. Which position is occupied by the search term on the page?
  10. In case you entered more than one words, are these words appearing together on the page?

10 factors Google use to rank the Search Results

  1.  On average the human brain weigh about 1.5 kg.
  2.  It occupies 2% of the body mass
  3.  Human Brain uses 25% of the body energy i.e about 500 kCal/day.
  4.  On average human brain contains about 86 billion neurons.
  5.  Out of 86 Billion neurons, 60 billion are present in the Cerebral Cortex.
  6.  Cerebral Cortex of Human brain contains more number of neurons than any other cortex, this is the simplest way to explain why Human brain is sharper than the brains of other animals.
  7.  There are 100,000 miles of blood vessels in the brain.
  8. The human brain is the fattest organ in the body and may consists of at least 60% fat.
  9.  Your brain is 60% white matter and 40% gray matter. 
    • The brain’s gray matter is made up of neurons, which gather and transmit signals.
    • The white matter is made up of dendrites and axons, which create the network by which neurons send their signals.
  10.  The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and makes up 85% of the brain’s weight.

The 10 interesting facts about Human Brain

Here is a list of funny, confusing and tongue twisting tongue twisters. We bet you can’t say more than 5 of then 10 times!
1. Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) say  it with confidence that you cannot say this phrase 10 times fast.And by fast they mean real fast

"Pad kid poured curd pulled cod"
    “If anyone can say this 10 times quickly, they get a prize,” said the confident inventors in 166th Acoustical Society of America in San Francisco last week.
2. We are sure you did well in our first challenge.
Need some more?
Try this!
“I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.
Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits.”
3. Ask it someone 10 times maybe?
“How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?”
“The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick.”
5. A confusing question or a tongue twister? 
“Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, 
where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?”
6.  T and C are referred as most difficult words to pronounce fast and repeatedly.
“Two tried and true tridents”

“Through three cheese trees three free fleas flew.
While these fleas flew, freezy breeze blew.
Freezy breeze made these three trees freeze.
Freezy trees made these trees' cheese freeze.
That's what made these three free fleas sneeze.”
8. They sound tasty
“Freshly-fried flying fish.”
“She sells seashells by the sea shore.”
10. Here is our last one!
Try it out!
“Black background, brown background.”
Do tell us how much were you able to say 10 times fast and repeatedly?

Say it 10 times!

Given below is the list of 10 most popular Facebook pages that are helping the students in the preparation of Entrance Test of different institutes.

The data below is being posted on 22nd of November 2013. So all the stats are according to this date.


The 10 Most Popular Facebook pages for Entry Test Preparation