Sunday, 21 December 2014

Top 10 Most Read Posts On LinkedIn In 2014

World’s biggest business networking site LinkedIn’s shares dropped 4% in November after Britain’s Financial Times revealed that come January 2015, Facebook will be launching its own business networking site called “Facebook at Work”. With stiff competition in the near future, stress levels are sure to rise at LinkedIn offices but their employees could surely take a tip or two from the most read posts on LinkedIn this year.
With 300 million users LinkedIn has recently become famous for top quality posts/blogs which address a variety of topics from career progression to wearing the right socks to your next interview (pun intended! But there actually are some hilarious posts). The top 10 posts that created the most buzz this year are:

How successful people stay calm. By Dr. Travis Bradberry

Dr. Bradberry is an expert on emotional intelligence and his company Talent Smart is serving more than 75% of Fortune 500 companies. This is an exciting post on how to handle stress at work. He makes some startling revelations such as certain levels of stress help you to perform at your optimum probably like it does in certain sports.
How successful people stay calm also focuses on the usual techniques of avoiding negative self-talk, re-framing your focus and breathing amongst other things. Though the one point that is not usually related to achieving success is disconnecting, yes this post recommends that you switch off and go offline once in a while.
Read the post here.

The Biggest Mistakes I See on Resumes, and How to Correct Them. By Laszlo Bock

Laszlo is in-charge of HR at Google and his post on identifying and fixing problems on your resume is as simple as searching for ProPakistani on Google; extremely simple. He identifies five key mistakes that most of us make in our resumes, fix them and your chances of being hired will increase. Even though I am not hunting for a job, this post did help me fix a couple of things in my resume.
Read the post here.

10 reasons you have to quit your job. By James Altucher

Wow what a read. This one is from the Dark Side, he really does put forth a great case to just say I quit and well go consult. A powerful post but if you would have my advice stick to your job while you have one and in case you love what James has written play it safe and try your luck at being an “entre-ployee”.
In all honesty while I agree with all that James has said and did try my hand at doing my own thing the extraneous factors in our economy are far more challenging than those in the developed economies.
Read the post here.

Ten Stupid Rules That Drive Great Employees Away. By Liz Ryan

Liz an ex-SVP at a Fortune 500 company makes a great case for an HR overhaul at companies big or small across the globe. What I loved most about this post was that before you go around complaining about the policies at your workplace try talking to your manager, it just might work.
Read the post here.

Job Interview: Why Only 3 Questions Really Matter. By Bernard Marr

An expert in strategy and performance management, Bernard breaks down the interview process into three simple set of questions and how to prepare for them. If you have an interview coming up I would strongly suggest that you go through this post and you will be able to turn the interview into a very comfortable natural conversation.
Read the post here

The 7 things successful people never say. By Illya Pozin

Just avoid the seven phrases listed by Illya and it would save you a lot of trouble when its appraisal time.
Read the post here

8 qualities that make great bosses unforgettable. By Jeff Haden

Aspire to be a great boss someday? Here is your to-do list. I just love how he ends his post “In short, memorable bosses inspire others to achieve their dreams: by words, by actions, and most importantly, by example”.
Read the post here.

Beware These Tricks for Making You Look Bad in Meetings. By Gretchin Rubin

Rubin is a New York Times bestselling author, in this post she lists down some of the edgy tricks or statements your co-workers might make during meetings. All I would say is you do come across one of these statements once in a while just don’t take it to heart and let your work do the talking.
Read the post here.

10 behaviors that could kill your career. By Jack Welch

Print out the list and keep it in your top drawer, review it at least every fortnight and if you think even one of your behavioral attributes is remotely related to any one point on the list, please change it.
Read the post here.

5 Reasons You May Not Want to Work for Google. By J.T. O’Donnell

I wouldn’t term it as an exciting read but if you have ever aspired to work for Google or a similar company, give it a read. I guess this post got so many hits due to “Google’s rock star status as an employer” in the author’s own words.
Read the post here.
There have been many other interesting posts on LinkedIn this year but these made it to the top as people around the world could easily relate to the content and have or are experiencing the issues described within them daily. Please feel free to share any interesting posts that you have come across this year in the comments section.
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