Monday, 22 December 2014

Ten Things I look for in a leader

When referring to the leader as ‘He’ I'm referring to both male and female candidates. 

1. Past Present and Future Is the slate clean? 
Although the saying ‘Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future’ Is extremely thought provoking and essential in restoring hope in humanity YET for me a leader is born not manufactured by time. Leadership is a quality which not everyone possess
and is rightly so. Thus, a scrutiny of the candidate’s life is essential in determining whether he is THE ONE. Moreover, a record of the past and present ultimately determines the outcome of the future behavior of the candidate. 

2. Realism 
Is the candidate claiming to solve all the problems of the country ALONE or is he demanding a joint effort. Does he plan on hogging the glory before it even comes into existence or is he being realistic about the time, effort and money? Is he laying down all the hurdles and wins which are anticipated or is he trying to camouflage them in order to get the vote. 

3. Party or People 
Scrutiny of the words a potential leader uses is very crucial. Does ‘HIS party’ triumph ‘THE people’ . Is he more concerned with the populace issues or is he more concerned about ‘ok-ing’everything his party’s senior members advice him to do. If need be will he stand up for the populace against his own senior members or will they continue to corrupt the system and party. 

4. Supporters 
Are the supporters old age men who themselves have a very political mindset or are they a fresh mind of the 21st century . A fresh mind certainly possess open mindedness and possess a better quality of calling out right from wrong. Whereas, a dated man is hung up on orthodox beliefs and the line between right and wrong may have been compromised in his mind. Hence, I choose to be with the youth. 

Who doesn't like a leader who has command over his speech? I mean c’mon ! I want to feel moved by his speech and that cannot be achieved if his every word is a replica of the inked words of another person. I want a leader who owns his words.Who moves the audience with every word. 

6. Dreamer 
Although my 6th and 2nd points are a paradox but dreams can be realistic too.Take development for instance: unfortunately in the light of the current scenario a developed Pakistan SEEM both unrealistic and a dream. But it isn’t an unrealistic demand. It is possible. I mean aren’t there developed countries out there? In fact, most countries are developed. 

7. Appearance 
This point might make me sound shallow but hey admit it or not looks are the first thing one notices. I’m not talking about ‘tall dark and handsome’(although such a leader would be nice to look at) rather it has more to do with the ‘well kept and well dressed’ and in layman words ‘non evil looking’. It’s also a common belief amongst a lot of people that a person’s appearance does reflect his/her personality. Which brings me to the 8th point. 

Does he walk upright? Sit upright? Is he a warm welcoming person or a dreaded intimidating one OR even better is he a mere joke in the national forum? Is he vigorous in his hand shaking with the Presidents of other countries? OK I was only joking about the last one. But honestly, don’t we all want a leader who’s..well, PERFECT in all aspects? Yes, I realize that no man is perfect (except the Holy Prophet PBUH of course) but don’t we deserve the next best thing to perfect? The whole package. 

9.World View 
In today’s time and era public image holds the utmost significance. The way a nation looks upon you or in more truthful words judges you is based on the type of leader you have. It’s simple: a good world view about your leader equals a good world view about YOU.Let’s not forget the saying hukmaran waisa hi ata hai jaisi awaam hoti hai 

10. Hair or No Hair? 
Ok so no pun intended but I honestly want a leader who has a nice hairy bush on his head. Why is that so wrong? I realize it has nothing to do with the actual duties of a leader but then again, that’s why it is way down in my check list in choosing between two leaders who posses all the aforementioned 9 points but only one has a bush I’m pretty sure you know who will get my vote. *Pun WAS intended 

*DISCALAIMER: No specific personality was kept in mind while writing this checklist . Any similarities with a living or dead personality is mere coincidence. Wink
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