Monday, 22 December 2014

10 reasons why you need proper sleep

10 reasons why you need proper sleep
It is generally thought that studying all night along just before the test day can help you score more marks in the test. It is partially true. This process harms us more than it gives us benefits. In this post I have tried to summarize why proper sleep is important for us and what would happen if we do not get the proper sleep.

1) Toxic Products in the brain
Many of you would be surprised to know that being awake produces many toxic products in your brain. The only way to get rid of these products is via sleep. During the sleep the brain cells shrink, creating space between cells through which the fluid can pass and wash away the toxic products. So sleep keeps your brain healthy and clean for proper functioning.

2) Trouble in thinking clearly
In case you do not get the proper sleep, the toxic keeps floating inside your brain, as a result you won't be able to think clearly.

3) Memory
Sleep is an important part of the learning process. While you are asleep your brain strengthens the connections between the areas you want to learn likewise it removes the less important parts of the memory. Moreover, it is possible that you may find the solution to your problems which you have been thinking all day long in your dreams.

4) Life span
According to a survey carried out in US among the women, more deaths occurred in women who got less sleep than was needed at their age. At different ages the amount of sleep our body needs is different. 

5) Health
People who do not get proper sleep suffer various health issues including depression, headache, heart disease, diabetes and  dying earlier.

6) Decision Making
Sleep deprivation results in poor decision making. It has been proven that if you get proper sleep you are more likely to perform well in circumstances involving some sort of risks.

7) Diet
Lack of sleep can also disturb your diet schedule and causing you to eat less. You do not seem like eating if you do not get enough sleep.

8) Mood 
Lack of sleep can result in moodiness, impatience and can cause trouble in concentrating. It can also leave you tired and you won't be able to to the things you are interested in.

9) Sleep helps the body
Our body repair from the damages faster during the sleep. The production of proteins during the sleep is more which can be helpful in repairing the damaged cells.

10) Accidents
About 100,000 accidents are reported each year due to drowsiness causing over 1500 deaths and over 71,000 injuries. 

I hope after reading these points you will be more cautious about your sleep and get proper time for the sleep. Extreme sleep deprivation is psychological torture...
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